Pool Sanitation Lacking

A man crouches at the bottom of an empty blue pool holding a bucket, preparing for maintenance. Blue Flamingo Pools provides expert pool care in Tampa.

According to data collected and analyzed by the pool water quality management company, Iopool, 77% of pools are not properly disinfected.

Your Pool May Need Cosmetic Surgery

Top view of blue minimalistic paper cut palm leaves on blue background symbolizing the blue flamingo origin story of the business name Blue Flamingo Pools.

Transforming an eighties or nineties era pool into a gleaming oasis for relaxing and entertaining is easier and far less expensive than building a new pool.

It’s Not the Chlorine

ph and chlorine test in a tampa florida pool

A frequent comment about pools is that there is a distinctive unpleasant odor that is blamed on chlorine.

But it’s not chlorine.