Pool Sanitation Lacking

By Jim Manning

A staggering number of pools are not being properly sanitized

According to data collected and analyzed by the pool water quality management company, Iopool, 77% of pools are not properly disinfected.

Data gathered by the Florida’s Bureau of Environmental Health confirmed this concern.

Pool water may be crystal clear and still be lacking in ideal disinfection

The leading cause of sanitation issues is lack of pH balance. Chlorine, the usual disinfectant in both pools and spas, including salt water installations, is highly effective in ridding pools of harmful contaminants when the pH is in the 7.2 to 7.6 range.

Fluctuation in pH, either higher or lower than the ideal ranges significantly diminishes the algae and germ killing power of chlorine.

Another cause of unsatisfactory water sanitation is excessive amounts of stabilizer in pool water

Stabilizer, occasionally, and in our opinion improperly, referred to as conditioner, when added to water reduces the degradation of chlorine caused by sunlight.

Stabilizer is good for proper pool water chemistry but there can be too much of a good thing. Excessive stabilizer will cause chlorine to “lockup” and results in minimal effectiveness. Most water chemists recommend stabilizer levels not to exceed 50 parts per million.

Tests to monitor pH are available on any pool water test kit including test strips. Stabilizer readings are on some test strips. We suggest you take a water sample to your local pool chemical retailer at least quarterly.

In the Tampa area we recommend you go to a local neighborhood pool supply retailer rather than a national chain store. The local folks have less turnover in personnel and tend to stay current in water testing techniques. They have equipment to make comprehensive tests of your water and then recommend your best course of action for properly sanitized water.

Why Blue Flamingo Pools?

We are here to craft your dream pool so you can dive into endless memories

Call Blue Flamingo Pools at (813) 382-1890 to book a free, no-obligation consultation.